To promote CONFIDENCE, established through a system, which SIMPLIFIES and STANDARDIZES the procedures for taking accurate radiographs and SAFEGUARDS against excessive X-radiation.
Our customer service representatives are dedicated to delivering the most professional, helpful, and courteous service in the industry. When you talk to our customer and tech services you will talk to techs who have a combination of over 90 years of experience in the field of dental x-ray. As a manufacturer, we offer installation of Margraf equipment in certain geographical locations.
Margraf warranties are subject to the following conditions: Margraf products and equipment are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service, including component parts. This warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from accidents, alterations, or misuse. If any defect is found, the customer should notify Margraf Corp. to receive shipping instructions. The determination to repair and/or replace any defective part remains the sole right of the Margraf Dental Mfg., Inc. Certification of performance is registered with DHHS.
All returned merchandise will need to have prior authorization. Returned merchandise must have a RA# and a copy of the original invoice. All items returned are subject to inspection and a minimum 20% restocking charge. No merchandise is sold on a trial basis.

1919 – 2006
Richard C. Margraf began his business in 1957 with a mission to fill a need in the dental profession for x-ray safety and protection. The business grew through the manufacturing of products for the dental x-ray field; and thus came the development of the Open End Lead-Lined Cone, which are now an industry standard. This product is now known as a Lead-Lined Position Indicating Device (PID). In 1967, Margraf Dental Manufacturing, Inc. went into full-time production of lead-lined cones, manufacturing them for leading x-ray companies and the dealers across the United States and Europe. And now, over a generation later, Margraf Dental Mfg., Inc has grown as a family business with three generations working side by side. Margraf Dental Mfg., Inc has broadened its product line to include cephalometric equipment, x-ray collimator/beam limiting devices, ceph/TMJ x-ray stools, aluminum filters, film cassettes, and x-ray accessories.